Acupuncture techniques target the deepest layers of the body through an intricate system of channels and network vessels. It is utilized to restore the balance of energy, blood, and fluids as well as eliminate obstructions. Hair-thin needles are inserted into the skin surface at particular empirically derived points. Each point is associated with specific physiological organs, meridians, patterns, and functions.
Acupuncture-related modalities may include Electrostimulation, Moxibustion, Infrared Heat Therapy, Cupping, Gua Sha, Acupressure, Tui Na, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Lifestyle & Dietary Counseling.
Herbal Medicine
Traditional Oriental Medicine is rooted in thousands of years of documented Eastern Medical practice. Herbal remedies are carefully composed of a very particular balance of individual herbs which are combined in a manner specific to an individual's pattern and condition. Patients can expect their formulas to be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis for modification as patterns and conditions change.
Individual, Group, Couple, and/or Family Psychotherapy is offered for a broad range of Emotional, Behavioral, Physical conditions, and/or Phase of Life issues. Treatment will incorporate Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Mind Body focused techniques depending on individual needs. Emphasis is placed on achieving and maintaining optimum Psycho-physiological balance.
Referred to by some as "meditation of the west", bio/neurofeedback is a modality whereby individuals are made aware of their physiological state and reactions via computer-generated real-time feedback of nervous system activity. Superficial electrodes are attached to the skin surface measuring muscle tension, peripheral body temperature, sweat gland activity, brain waves, respiration, and heart rate. Patients are taught to regulate body responses through such techniques as progressive muscle relaxation, visual imagery, mindful breathing, and other body awareness and tension-reducing techniques.
Psychological/Oriental Medicine Assessment
Evaluation is an integral part of every treatment. Initial assessment is conducted for each new patient whether they are seeking Psychological Services, Biofeedback, Acupuncture or Herbal Consultation. Patients can expect on-going monitoring of progress with modification to treatment protocols as necessary. Psychological, Psychoeducational, and Neuropsychological Evaluations are also available.